Monday, August 17, 2015

5 Words You Should Include In Your Next Subject Line

Subject Line Gold analyzed these subject lines based on the results of 21 billion marketing emails sent by 2,500 brands spanning from sectors like B2B, Financial Services, Consumer Services, Telecom & Tech, and more.
In conducting their survey, they determined that the five words that most increase open rates (on average) are:
       Upgrade - open rate + 65.7%
Just – open rate = 64.8%
Content – open rate = 59.1%
Go – open rate = 55.8%
Wonderful – open rate = 55.1%
The most detrimental words to your open rate are:
Miss – open rate = -4.6%
Deals! - open rate = -4.4%
Groovy – open rate = -4.3%
Conditions – open rate = -4%
Friday! - open rate = -4%

So if you think your email marketing is pretty groovy and you want to tell the world, you might want to think again.
Another insightful part of this study was the consideration of symbols for marketing emails. A lot of marketers might not even be using them, but the industry data suggests that they do have an impact—regardless of mixed consumer reactions. As it turns out, the snowman symbol is the best for subject lines, while the sun symbol is the third worst. So maybe sunshine doesn’t always beat the cold after all.
 Source: Ranae Gonner, ER Marketing

Monday, August 3, 2015

Techniques For Lead Management Success - Part 5

Just like dating, as you build a relationship with your prospects, you should be learning more about their needs.  Remember, every campaign that a prospect responds to tells you about his or her interests. Every link they click, and every piece of information they fill out on a form tells you more about them. And you can really be clever with your forms.
Don't ask your prospects to enter information you already know.  Use progressive profiling and use the opportunity to find out something new.  You an also use this information to target what sort of content may appeal to them in an email or lead nurturing campaign.


To share common sense lessons learned with 40-plus years experience in marketing, sales and as a B2B publisher.
